
Partner Visa FAQs

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A partner visa allows you, the spouse or de-facto partner of an Australian citizen, to live and work in the country. Many people are often confused about the eligibility criteria, the benefits and the process of applying for the partner visa. Below is a comprehensive guide on the Australian partner visa. It should increase your understanding of how the visa works.  Who qualifies For The Visa?  You can apply for the visa if you are married to an Australian citizen or in a de-facto relationship lasting for more than one year.…

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Understanding Visa Refusal, Rejection, Annulment, Cancellation and Revocation

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When applying for a visa, you are expected to meet various requirements. Failure to meet them means your visa application may not be successful. As a new applicant, you might not fully understand various concepts or requirements without help. You need a specialist who has been through the visa application process many times and knows all hurdles. That is why you are advised to use the services of an immigration attorney.…

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Why You Should Play by the Rules If You Plan to Visit Australia

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Australia is one of the most welcoming countries in the world and it’s little wonder that so many people choose to schedule a visit to Sydney, Melbourne or one of the other amazing attractions. Most of these people will get permission to visit without restriction, although they do need to apply in advance for a visitor visa. If you’ve never done this before you need to understand the implications and always ensure that you follow the rules.…

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The 3 Main Reasons why the Department of Immigration Could Reject Your Visitor Visa Application

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There is nothing that is more disappointing than learning that your visa application has been denied, especially when you have spent time and money planning your visit to another country. Most people coming into the country fail to understand that visas fall into some subclasses, and each of the subclasses has a list of countries that are eligible to apply. The mistake that most potential visitors make is applying for a visa subcategory before finding out if they qualify.…

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