The 3 Main Reasons why the Department of Immigration Could Reject Your Visitor Visa Application

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There is nothing that is more disappointing than learning that your visa application has been denied, especially when you have spent time and money planning your visit to another country. Most people coming into the country fail to understand that visas fall into some subclasses, and each of the subclasses has a list of countries that are eligible to apply. The mistake that most potential visitors make is applying for a visa subcategory before finding out if they qualify. Here are the three main reasons why the immigration department rejects visitor visa applications. 

1. You are from a high-risk country.

There are countries that the immigration department classifies as high-risk. Countries are classified as either low-risk or high-risk by gauging factors such as illegal immigration statistics, terrorism and similar factors. If you come from a high-risk country and you apply for a low-risk visa sub-category, your application will be rejected. 

2. You applied for another visa before but was denied.

Another common reason why a subsequent visa application will be rejected is if it is not your first visa application and the previous one was rejected. A subsequent application can also be denied if you made an application before, got the visa, but did not fulfil all the requirements of the visa. Some of the common conditions people fail to meet include:

Most people who fail to meet these conditions face a three-year ban from the country. Additionally, you may have a hard time getting any other visa in future.

3. Inconsistencies in the application forms

Another common reason why visa applications fail is when the forms you present do not give consistent information. The immigration department takes a very close look at the information given, both electronically and on the forms, and if any of the data is found to be inconsistent, they may reject the application. You also need evidence to support all the documents that you submit. If you are sponsored, your sponsor must prove they can assist you financially.

All these are immigration issues that can be difficult to navigate. However, if you want your visa application to sail through without additional problems, consider getting a competent immigration lawyer on your case. They will help you deal with all the loopholes which lead to visa denial and simplify your immigration process.
