Partner Visa FAQs

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A partner visa allows you, the spouse or de-facto partner of an Australian citizen, to live and work in the country. Many people are often confused about the eligibility criteria, the benefits and the process of applying for the partner visa. Below is a comprehensive guide on the Australian partner visa. It should increase your understanding of how the visa works. 

Who qualifies For The Visa? 

You can apply for the visa if you are married to an Australian citizen or in a de-facto relationship lasting for more than one year. You will be required to undergo a health assessment to ensure you do not have a contagious illness. Besides, the department will conduct thorough background checks to ensure you do not have criminal or terrorist affiliations. 

What Are The Benefits Of The Partner Visa? 

Once you have the partner visa, you can study and work in the country for as long as you wish. Besides, the visa allows you to apply for public health insurance. You can also travel to and from Australia as many times as you would like. If you are not a native English speaker, you can apply for free English lessons. Additionally, the visa allows you to bring your dependents into the country. However, the immigration department will conduct serious evaluations to determine whether the relocation is in the best interests of children below 18 years. 

What Are The Categories Of Partner Visas? 

Partner visas are categorised into onshore and offshore visas. Offshore visas are for people living outside the country, while the onshore visa is for applicants residing in Australia. Both visas will give you similar privileges. New applicants will start with a temporary visa and proceed to apply for a permanent visa. However, if you are in a long-term relationship, the department could issue a permanent visa right after granting you the temporary visa.  

Do You Need A Lawyer When Applying For The Visa? 

Although you do not need a lawyer when applying for the visa, their input will significantly influence your chances of visa approval. For example, the lawyer will help you organise your application documents. Besides, they will review your information to ensure you do not give contradicting, irrelevant, vague, and false details. Your lawyer will act as an intermediary between you and the case officers reviewing your application. As such, they will communicate with the case officers to clarify the details that you provide. Additionally, they will prepare you for rigorous interviews. 

Finding an appropriate immigration lawyer can be quite difficult. The easiest way to find a lawyer is by assessing the reputation of various immigration lawyers in your locality. For instance, check their experience, specialisation, and how they treat their clients. Remember to examine the lawyer's pricing structure. 
